Breaking down your home maintenance into a small list of tasks each month will make it much more manageable! I’ve created a calendar of tasks I perform on each of my properties by month. This calendar also helps me ensure certain tasks, that need to be done on a specific timeline, are done in time. Follow each month, to ensure you stay on track with your own home, along with me!
Below you’ll find my January task list, and a playlist of videos that provide helpful how-tos for each task below.
1. Change furnace filter (if your home has one)
2. Vacuum filters on minisplits (if your home has one)
3. Replace main filter (and pre-filter/stage 1 filter) on air purifiers
4. Change counter compost bin carbon filter
5. Deep clean microwave
6. Every five years: I recommend having your home inspected, and January is an easy landmark on the calendar to track your inspection timeline. Here’s a helpful page regarding home inspections: