Why is a home's market value different than the assessed value?

A home's market value is the price the market (current buyers) is willing to pay. The assessed value is the taxable value the county has determined the home to be.

CLICK HERE for more information about market values, assessed values, and even appraised values and how they affect a home search, home buying, and home ownership here in Seattle and the PNW.

January Home Maintenance

Breaking down your home maintenance into a small list of tasks each month will make it much more manageable! I’ve created a calendar of tasks I perform on each of my properties by month. This calendar also helps me ensure certain tasks, that need to be done on a specific timeline, are done in time. Follow each month, to ensure you stay on track with your own home, along with me!

Below you’ll find my January task list, and a playlist of videos that provide helpful how-tos for each task below.

1. Change furnace filter (if your home has one)
2. Vacuum filters on minisplits (if your home has one)
3. Replace main filter (and pre-filter/stage 1 filter) on air purifiers
4. Change counter compost bin carbon filter
5. Deep clean microwave
6. Every five years: I recommend having your home inspected, and January is an easy landmark on the calendar to track your inspection timeline. Here’s a helpful page regarding home inspections: https://www.brianhuie.com/inspections