June Home Maintenance

Each month, one lucky past client will get their home maintained for free, including professional services! This is our way of not only helping you stay on track to protect the investment you made in your home, but is one of the ways we are showing thanks for your referrals.

This month we did something a little different- we worked on one of my vacation rental properties. I’ll show you how to flush your on-demand water heater- an easy task that will save you hundreds over hiring out. This important maintenance task will keep your water heater running for decades, saving you thousands! We also washed the siding and windows, and did a deep clean of the washing machine.

Stay tuned for each month’s home maintenance episode and be on the lookout for an email from Brian, as you could be next!

Breaking down your home maintenance into a small list of tasks each month will make it much more manageable! I’ve created a calendar of tasks I perform on each of my properties by month. This calendar also helps me ensure certain tasks, that need to be done on a specific timeline, are done in time. Follow each month, to ensure you stay on track with your own home, along with me!

Below you’ll find my recommended June home maintenance task list:
1. Flush tankless water heater
2. Soft wash siding
3. Wash windows
4. Deep clean washing machine
5. Vacuum air filters (if you have any- see March home maintenance for how to video)